Archive for the ‘Intmath Newsletters’ Category

IntMath Newsletter: Log graphs, challenges, news

1. New on IntMath: Logarithm function from its graph
2. Breakthrough Junior Challenge
2. Resources: Wolfram, MathGraph32
3. Math in the news: Computers and equations
4. Math movies: Calculus, Probability
5. Math puzzle: Bowling
6. Final thought: extinctions

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IntMath Newsletter: Search math, Fourier, DeepMind

In this Newsletter:

1. New on IntMath
2. Resources: Fourier, breaks
3. Math in the news: DeepMind, bees
4. Math movies: vectors, collection
5. Math puzzle: Sequence

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IntMath Newsletter: Implicit, Observable, Navier-Stokes

1. New on IntMath: Implicit graph plotter
2. Resources
3. Math in the news
4. Math movies
5. Cattle functions
6. Math puzzle
7. Final thought

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IntMath Newsletter: Valentine’s, applets, maps

In this Newsletter:

0. Geometry of love
1. New on IntMath
2. Quirky measurements
3. Resources: Map projections
4. Math movies:
5. Math puzzle
6. Final thought

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IntMath Newsletter: Curvilinear, anchoring, pancakes

In this Newsletter:

1. New on IntMath: Curvilinear motion animated graphs
2. Estimation and the anchoring principle
3. Bill Gates and his pancakes
4. Math movies
5. Math puzzle: Who dies?
6. Final thought: Truth

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IntMath Newsletter: Hexagon, units, primes, Queen

In this Newsletter:

1. New on IntMath: CSS Animated Hexagon Wave
2. Units
3. Math in the news: Almost prime numbers
4. Brian May - astrophysicist
4. Math movies: Data portraits and fingers
5. Math puzzle: Divisibility
6. Final thought: It's up to us

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IntMath Newsletter: Solid of revolution, resources, news

1. New on IntMath: Solid of Revolution maker
2. Resources: Grasshopper, Sketchup
3. Math in the news: Light beam
4. Math movies: Ballet, Mars
5. Math puzzle: Tokens
6. Final thought: Jack Ma

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IntMath Newsletter: Model, animations, software

In this Newsletter:

1. New on IntMath: EFFEKT bridge model, Lissajous animations
2. Resources: oPhysics, topol0gy software
3. Math in the news: 4-color graph problem
4. Math movies: Statistics, time
5. Math puzzle: Factorials
6. Final thought

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IntMath Newsletter: Series, clock, Simpsons

In this Newsletter:

1. New on IntMath: Infinite series, Spinning clock
2. Resources: Simpsons math, Unknowables
3. Math in the news: Plimpton 322
4. Math movies
5. Math puzzle: EFFEKT
6. Final thought: Actions

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IntMath Newsletter: Complex numbers, evolutes, parabolas

In this Newsletter:

0. Privacy, cookies and ads
1. New on IntMath: Complex numbers and Evolutes
2. Resources
3. Math in the news
4. Math movies
5. Math puzzle
6. Final thought

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