Posts tagged ‘Real-world math’

IntMath Newsletter: Farewell, online math resources

In this Newsletter:

0. Fond farewell
1. Math in the news
2. Resource: ClassCalc
3. Math movie
4. Math art and code
5. Math puzzle
6. Final thought: Reset

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Intmath Newsletter: Poly equations, charts, potential, water

1. New on IntMath: Equations graph solver
2. Resources: Charts
3. Math in the news: Lenses, integral equations
4. Math movies: Potential
5. Math puzzle: Age
6. Final thought: Water

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IntMath Newsletter: Calculators, atomic clocks, tensors

1. On IntMath: Calculators
2. Music lab, Webinars
3. AI, atomic clocks
4. Tensor, irrationals
5. Math puzzle
6. They knew

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IntMath Newsletter: CSS matrix, Humble Pi, van Gogh

In this Newsletter:

1. New on IntMath: CSS matrix math
2. Resources: Humble Pi, AnswerThePublic
3. Math in the news: Proof
4. Math movies: Parker, van Gogh
5. Math puzzle: Mystery object
6. Final thought: Dry leaves

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IntMath Newsletter: Valentine’s, applets, maps

In this Newsletter:

0. Geometry of love
1. New on IntMath
2. Quirky measurements
3. Resources: Map projections
4. Math movies:
5. Math puzzle
6. Final thought

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IntMath Newsletter: Hexagon, units, primes, Queen

In this Newsletter:

1. New on IntMath: CSS Animated Hexagon Wave
2. Units
3. Math in the news: Almost prime numbers
4. Brian May - astrophysicist
4. Math movies: Data portraits and fingers
5. Math puzzle: Divisibility
6. Final thought: It's up to us

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Units: Calories and kilograms

Le Grand K with inch ruler
How many calories? and the way the kilogram was defined has been in place since 1799. It recently got a makeover.

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IntMath Newsletter: Model, animations, software

In this Newsletter:

1. New on IntMath: EFFEKT bridge model, Lissajous animations
2. Resources: oPhysics, topol0gy software
3. Math in the news: 4-color graph problem
4. Math movies: Statistics, time
5. Math puzzle: Factorials
6. Final thought

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Spiral around a hyperboloid - the Effekt bridge

spiral around hyperboloid
We explore how to find the equations for a spiral around a hyperboloid.

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IntMath Newsletter: Series, clock, Simpsons

In this Newsletter:

1. New on IntMath: Infinite series, Spinning clock
2. Resources: Simpsons math, Unknowables
3. Math in the news: Plimpton 322
4. Math movies
5. Math puzzle: EFFEKT
6. Final thought: Actions

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