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IntMath Newsletter: Graph dispute, math resources and capabilities

By Murray Bourne, 05 May 2011

5 May 2011

In this Newsletter:

1. Resource: Top 10 math help sites
2. Which is the correct graph of arccot x?
3. Math tip: Learning math formulas
4. Friday math movie: OK Go This Too Shall Pass
5. Math resource: NSDL
6. Final thought: capabilities

0. Teacher Appreciation Week

Good teachers are vital for good learning. In many countries, sadly, the teaching profession is not all that highly regarded. One of the reasons I love living in Asia is that teachers here, on the whole, are respected and valued.

This week (2nd to 6th May) is Teacher Appreciation Week. There are many math educators who receive the IntMath Newsletter. Here's wishing you all a great week!

Hint to students: Your teachers really, really appreciate a "thank you" every now and then. This is a good week to do so. πŸ™‚

On with the Newsletter.

1. Resource: Top 10 math help sites

Suitable for: Students, or those who sometimes get stuck with math.

Math question sites

Which are the best math forums? Where can you ask for homework help? I've done the research for you.

Top 10 math help sites

2. Which is the correct graph of arccot x?

Suitable for: Those who have studied some trigonometry- and those who enjoy a good controversy!

Graph of arccot x?

Math text books and math software disagree on the correct graph of arccot(x). Which one do you think is right?

Which is the correct graph of arccot x?

3. Math tip: Learning math formulas

Suitable for: Those who have math examinations coming up soon.

How to learn formulas?

This is one of the most popular posts from the squareCircleZ archive. It's a good one to read as exam season approaches.

Read more:

How to learn math formulas

4. Friday math movie: OK Go This Too Shall Pass

Suitable for: Everyone.

OK Go This Too Shall Pass

This is an excellent video, showing how much fun you can have with physics, math and creativity.

Friday math movie: OK Go This Too Shall Pass

5. Math resource: NSDL (National Science Digital Library)

Suitable for: Teachers


This set of resources is aimed at addressing state standards in math

Math Collection

6. Final thought: capabilities

Here's something to ponder from the great inventor, Thomas Edison.

If we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. [Thomas Edison]

So please astound yourself in your next math exam! Good luck with it, from

Until next time, enjoy whatever you learn.

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