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Mathletic motivation

By Murray Bourne, 19 May 2007

Mathletics is a Flash-based Australian offering that appears to be quite popular. It offers a "virtual tutor" that takes students through mathematics problems.

[Mathletics appears to be similar in concept to Heymath, which I wrote about earlier.]

There's no free demo (for individuals) of Mathletics, so I can't check it out.

Are any of you using it? Let me know what you think of it.

From a usability and search point of view, pure Flash-based sites are quite annoying. The Flash programming on Mathletics is rather system-heavy. It slowed my CPU to a crawl...

See the 1 Comment below.

One Comment on “Mathletic motivation”

  1. Wilson T says:

    Kids love mathletics. I think it's ability to let kids compete against in real time against each other is what separates it from other similar services.

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