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Friday Math movie - Kinetic Wave Sculptures

By Murray Bourne, 15 May 2009

Here's some delightful math in art.

Much of Reuben Margolin's kinetic wave scultures are based on sine curves and periodic motion.

This is something that is missing in most math classes. Students don't get an opportunity to make things. They would get a much better sense of how math is used in the "real world" if they created some physical objects, especially ones that move like the art in this movie.

From the YouTube blurb:

Reuben Margolin, a Bay Area visionary and longtime maker, creates totally singular techno-kinetic wave sculptures. Using everything from wood to cardboard to found and salvaged objects, Reubens artwork is diverse, with sculptures ranging from tiny to looming, motorized to hand-cranked. Focusing on natural elements like a discrete water droplet or a powerful ocean eddy, his work is elegant and hypnotic. Also, learn how ocean waves can power our future.

There's a short plug for wave-based energy at the end. I wish them well!

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