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Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival #16

By Murray Bourne, 24 Oct 2011

This is the "coming of age" edition of the Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival. Here are some (customary & mandatory) factoids about the number 16:

  • In many countries, 16 is the age of consent, and the age where young people can get a license to legally control a 1-tonne projectile. Also, sixteen happens to be the age of many of our students.
  • In Chinese and Japanese, where numbers are written more logically than in European languages, "16" is made up of "10" plus "6", as follows:

16 in Chinese
Chinese characters for "16"

  • Sixteen is the sum of the first 4 odd numbers.
  • Sixteen is the base for the hexadecimal number system, used extensively in computing. Here is the number 16 written using hexadecimal numbers: 1016.

On with the show.

(I'm using the topic headings as decreed in the Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival manifesto.)

Mathematics teaching

(1) Bon Crowder of Math is not a Four Letter Word has written an interesting thought piece on the difference between motivating and inspiring students, in:

Are You Teaching Math Through Motivation or Inspiration?

(2) Denise in Let's Play Math! says "Let’s look at two common mental models — partitive division and measurement division — to see how the sister could have divided her pie…" in:

How to Understand Fraction Division

(3) Colleen Young (who has a "keen interest in how new technologies can deepen the learning experience for students") has begun a new blog aimed at students. She's right - most math blogs preach to the choir - it's about time there were more blogs addressed to students.

Hello Students!

(4) And finally in this section, here are my suggestions (right here in squareCircleZ) on:

How to make math class interesting?

Technology integration

John Golden, of MathHombre, was inspired by a Dor Abrahamson video to create a GeoGebra app which helps students understand fractions. Here it is:

Fraction Sense.

16 GB memory
16 GB MicroSDHC card


(1) Natasha wrote an article in eIMACS about a professional mathematician in:

IMACS Alumni Profile: Dan Dugger, Mathematician

(IMACS is the Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, an independent teaching and educational research institute.)

(2) Earl Samuelson (of samuelson mathxp's posterous) submitted 3 articles for this Carnival. In the first, he outlines graphical, algebraic and logarithmic approaches to solving exponential functions

Solving Exponential Equations: "Various Perspectives"

(3) In the second article, entitled "Carpe Diem" (seize the day), Earl writes an interesting exposition involving the math of time measurement:

"Carpe Diem"

(4) Guillermo P. Bautista Jr. (the father of this blog carnival) in Mathematics and Multimedia presents:

Subset: a set contained in a set

Math connections

Erlina Ronda at Mathematics for Teaching explains how to find the number of shortest paths on a chess board, in Connecting Pascal's triangle and permutations with identical objects

Color blindness test
Color-blindness test [Image source]

Real life math

(1) John Cook of The Endeavour gives us a curve with an interesting property, in:

Moby Dick and the tautochrone

(2) Earl Samuelson was moved by the same Dor Abrahamson video that inspired John Golden. Here is Earl's third submission for this carnival:

The Mathematics of Music

(3) Katie Sorene of TripBase gives us the second list in a series of mathematically interesting buildings, in:

Most Mathematically Interesting Buildings in the World

The next Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival

Carnival #17 will be hosted by Mathematics for Teaching on 28 Nov 2011.

See the 11 Comments below.

11 Comments on “Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival #16”

  1. Rene says:

    It is one of the major achievements of "Western" mathematics that 16 is NOT written as 10 and 6. Otherwise, I appreciate the many efforts to teach math more emotionally.

  2. Colleen Young says:

    Thanks for including my 'Hello Students!'

    What a wonderful variety of submissions here.

  3. Guillermo Batuista says:

    Thanks you very much for hosting. I am going to make an announcement tomorrow.

  4. Terry Kaufman says:

    Thank you for including our post.

    - Terry Kaufman, IMACS

  5. Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival 16 Mathematics and Multimedia says:

    [...] The 16th edition of the Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival is now live at Square Circle Z.  The Math Teachers [...]

  6. Philip Petrov says:

    @Rene - It's not at all "achievements of “Western” mathematics" - it's "achievement of the "Eastern" mathematics". The numbers which you are using today are not called "Arabic numerals" just like that. They are arabic!

  7. List of Math and Multimedia CarnivalsMathematics and Multimedia says:

    [...] Carnival 16 at SquareCircleZ [...]

  8. narayanan says:

    @Rene Philip Petrov : It's not even "Arabic". It is Indian system. It was called Indo Arabic since west got it through them.

  9. Erlina Ronda says:

    hi, thanks for including my post. great collection you got here.

  10. Month in Review – October 2011 | | Mathematics and MultimediaMathematics and Multimedia says:

    [...] Math and Multimedia Carnival #16 [...]

  11. Weekly Picks « — the Blog says:

    [...] SquareCircleZ  who hosted the 16th Mathematics and Multimedia Blog Carnival. [...]

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