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IntMath Newsletter: DUI, math dancing and printing a kidney

By Murray Bourne, 20 Apr 2011

20 April 2011

In this Newsletter:

1. Events this month
2. Human error causes problems in drink-driving cases
3. Wolfram's math demonstrations - now easier to use
4. Math in your feet
5. What is a circle?
6. Friday math movies: Printing a human kidney and Salman Khan
7. Resource: PBS Teachers
8. Final thought – giving

1. Events this Month

(a) April is Math Awareness Month

The theme for 2011 is "Unraveling Complex Systems".

Also, here's the Math Awareness Month Facebook page.

(b) Passover and Easter

There's always a lot of interesting math behind dates of religious festivals. Indeed, mathematicians needed to develop special math in order to predict important annual events, like planting and harvest seasons, as well as spring and autumn equinoxes - which are often needed to work out religious festival dates.

The first day of Passover this year was 18 April (14 Nissan in the year 5771) and Good Friday is 21 April.

Did you know? Easter Sunday is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

2. Human error causes problems in drink-driving cases


Here's a case where mathematical accuracy was compromised and people suffered because of it.

Human error causes problems in drink-driving cases

3. Wolfram's math demonstrations - now easier to use

Wolfram Demonstrations

Free math demonstrations from Wolfram have become even better - via a browser plugin.

View thousands of interactive math applets - for zero cost!

Wolfram's math demonstrations - now easier to use

4. Math in your feet

Math in your feet

Here's a way to learn math - through your feet!

Math in your feet

5. What is a circle?

What is a circle?

The circle is one of the earliest geometric shapes we learn about. Are we sure of its definition?

Is this really a no-brainer?

What is a circle?

6. Friday math movies

Artificial liver

(a) Printing a human kidney

Why do we have to do analytic geometry? Or 3-D geometry? This movie shows one interesting real-life application.

Friday math movie: Printing a human kidney

Salman Khan at TED

(b) Salman Khan at TED

Here's an interesting talk from the creator of Khan Academy, a brilliant collection of free math videos.

Friday math movie: Salman Khan at TED

7. Resource: PBS Teachers

PBS Teachers

Suitable for: This resource is mostly aimed at teachers.

PBS is one of the best resources in the US.

Here are the Math Classroom Resources

8. Final thought – giving

Today's quote comes from H. Jackson Brown, Jr., author of best seller Life's Little Instruction Book:

Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more. [H. Jackson Brown, Jr.]

Until next time, enjoy whatever you learn.

See the 3 Comments below.

3 Comments on “IntMath Newsletter: DUI, math dancing and printing a kidney”

  1. julius ogbogbo says:

    your newsletters has been a source of encouragement and motivation to me as mathematics tutor in a high school in Nigeria. keep doing the good work. presently i am writing a book called mathematics study guild.thanks a million times

  2. Murray says:

    Hi Julius - glad it's useful and good luck with your teaching - and book!

  3. Jonathan says:

    Hi Murray,

    I enjoy your site. It always has something new and interesting.


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