Archive for July, 2010

Friday math movie - Smarter Math: Equations for a smarter planet

internet of thingsHere's a positive message about math from IBM. We also see their "The Internet of Things".

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IntMath Newsletter: radius of curvature, log curve, free math videos

In this Newsletter:

1. Math of the great summer brain drain
2. Math tip: Radius of Curvature, an application of differentiation
3. Slope of the logarithm curve at any point
4. Friday math movie - Khan's Academy
5. How to import GeoGebra files into JSXGraph
6. Final thought – stay positive

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Math of the Great Summer Brain Drain

forgettingEveryone knows students drop a few grades in their knowledge during the summer months. What's the math behind this?

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What did Newton originally say about Integration?

isaac newtonWhat did Isaac Newton's original manuscript look like? What did it say?

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Friday math movie - free math videos by Khan Academy

Khan AcademyHere is a wide range of free math videos from the indefatigable Salman Khan. There's science and economics there, too.

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