Archive for February, 2008

Friday math movie - Powers of 10

World 10^6 - powers of 10 and scientific notationThis movie is a good demonstration of powers of 10 and scientific notation.

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Water from the air using windmills

Stenocara beetleAn Australian invention shows great promise in extracting water from the air using an efficient windmill and a condenser based on the African stenocara beetle.

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Laughing scale

Laughing IndiansKansai University researchers have developed a "laughing scale", using the "aH" unit.

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Sine wave in the sky over Singapore

sine wave in sky This is evidence of wind passing over a mountain range and creating a standing sine wave on the leeward side.

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Yahoo and Google - who has the youngest audience?

A comparison of Google and Yahoo search results refutes the claim that Yahoo draws more younger searchers.

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The IntMath Newsletter - Feb 2008

In this Newsletter

1. Changes to the IntMath Newsletter
2. Real life math example - CO2 levels in the atmosphere
3. This month’s math tips - Divisibility
4. Poll Results
5. More from the math blog

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Earth killer - composite trigonometry CO2 graph

Here's a satisfactory attempt to model the Earth's increase in CO2 concentration, using Excel and Scientific Notebook.

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Friday math movie - The Amazing Abacus

The abacus is still widely used in Japan. It's one method of making math more kinesthetic - and it's often faster than a calculator.

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Learning math in Cameroon via the Web

A reader from the African country of Cameroon has written some interesting things about life in Cameroon and studying for an engineering degree without an engineering school in the whole country.

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Muscle pain for the brain - math

A reader asks for some suggestions for stimulating math books to inspire a friend.

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