IntMath forum - Latest posts
Applications of Integration
Re: Catenary Equation [Pending...]
Log-lin models where the dependent variable is logarithmic, but the explanatory variables can be either... Junca 2023-04-06, 05:15
Basic Algebra
Re: Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions [Pending...]
The question asks us to simplify the algebraic expression which is done by using the... vincecoward 2021-09-02, 08:20
Re: Inequalities graph [Pending...]
I believe you meant `y>x^2-2` and not `y>2x-2`? If so, Vince's answer would not be correct. It's... Murray 2022-03-29, 09:33
Differential Equations
Re: ODE [Pending...]
great xaddes 2023-01-17, 06:42
Basic Algebra
Re: simple interest and compound interest [Pending...]
Tell me what your lesson notes or textbook say about Simple and Compound Interest! Admin 2020-07-17, 10:52
Applications of Integration
Re: Shell Method [Solved!]
What they've done in their example is to find the volume of the cylinder generated... Murray 2020-06-04, 11:09
Plane Analytical Geometry
Re: Finding the Area with Pythagoras's theorem [Solved!]
In the "relevant page" in your question, you'll see a discussion about 30-60 triangle. That... Murray 2020-05-23, 11:08
Methods of Integration
Re: Integration by parts [Solved!]
The second term that needs integrating is `int -1/(2x^2) dx` This is equivalent to `int -1/2 x^(-2) dx... Murray 2020-05-07, 03:19
Trigonometric Functions
Re: Coterminal angle [Pending...]
"Having the same initial and terminal sides" is what we mean when we say something... hllofthe 2024-03-18, 10:40
Applications of Integration
Re: Applications of Integrations #11 [Solved!]
@Kabookiep: The background can be found here: Differentiation of Sin, Cos, Tan. It's actually this case: `dy/dx=dy/(du)... Murray 2020-04-01, 10:26
Laplace Transformation
Re: Laplace Transform for Step function [Solved!]
Ah, I see. Sorry, didn't read it carefully. Anyone else like to chime in here? Murray 2020-03-30, 04:30
Applications of Integration
Re: Finding volume using shells [Solved!]
Okay.thanks. phinah 2020-05-06, 12:56
Plane Analytical Geometry
Re: Conic rotation [Solved!]
EW did not respond to this. I assume he figured it out. Murray 2020-05-18, 09:43
Counting and Probability
Re: Poker Odds [Solved!]
@dmf: I suspect calculating the final probabilities would be quite involved, as the page you... Murray 2020-02-07, 05:14
Complex Numbers
Re: INTEGRATION [Pending...]
Awesome! Josefina 2023-05-31, 04:11