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simple interest and compound interest [Pending...]

My question

Advin has $1500 to invest in one of the following ways.
๏‚ท Account A paying simple interest at a rate of 4.1 % per year.
๏‚ท Account B paying Compound interest at a rate of 3.3% per year.
Which account will be worth more after 3 years and by how much?

Relevant page

Simple Interest Calculator - WebMath

What I've done so far

i dont understand what to do..


Advin has $1500 to invest in one of the following ways.
๏‚ท Account A paying simple interest at a rate of 4.1 % per year.
๏‚ท Account B paying Compound interest at a rate of 3.3% per year.
Which account will be worth more after 3 years and by how much?
Relevant page

<a href="">Simple Interest Calculator - WebMath</a>

What I've done so far

i dont understand what to do..

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