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Manipulating algebra fractions [Solved!]

My question

when solving the right hand side of an equation (fluid flow )



goes to


this is probably a fairly basic rule but how is this done please (confused !)

Relevant page

6. Multiplication and Division of Fractions

What I've done so far

i dont understand how to move the equation to go from one to the other form


when solving the right hand side of an  equation (fluid flow )



goes to 


this is probably a fairly basic rule but how is this done please (confused !)
Relevant page

<a href="">6. Multiplication and Division of Fractions</a>

What I've done so far

i dont understand how to move the equation to go from one to the other form

Re: Manipulating algebra fractions


(1) I edited your question to use the math input system, so it's easier for everyone to read and follow. (You can click on "Show code" to see how I did it.)

(2) Your original question had a minus before the second line of working, which I retained in your question in order to point out it's dangerous to use "-" as a line starter in mathematics!

(3) Your original question has a lower case `x` in the first line and an upper case `X` in the second. This should also be avoided as they are not the same thing!

So the question should be

How does it become:


To answer the question, let's consider this bit only first:


i. What is `0.1` as a fraction?

ii. What is `(0.1)^4` as a fraction?

iii. Can you complete: "Dividing by a fraction is equivalent to multiplying by its......" (Hint: See the page you came from: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions)



(1) I edited your question to use the math input system, so it's easier for everyone to read and follow. (You can click on "Show code" to see how I did it.)

(2) Your original question had a minus before the second line of working, which I retained in your question in order to point out it's dangerous to use "-" as a line starter in mathematics!

(3) Your original question has a lower case `x` in the first line and an upper case `X` in the second. This should also be avoided as they are not the same thing!

So the question should be 

How does it become:


To answer the question, let's consider this bit only first:


i. What is `0.1` as a fraction?

ii. What is `(0.1)^4` as a fraction?

iii. Can you complete: "Dividing by a fraction is equivalent to multiplying by its......" (Hint: See the page you came from: <a href="">Multiplying and Dividing Fractions</a>)

Re: Manipulating algebra fractions

dividing by a fraction = multiply by the inverse


x^4 / 0.1^4


x^4 / 0.0001

=x^4 * 10000

therefore 10000 x^4


thank you


dividing by a fraction = multiply by the inverse 


x^4  / 0.1^4


x^4  / 0.0001

=x^4 * 10000

therefore 10000 x^4


thank you

Re: Manipulating algebra fractions

Great - glad you've got it now.


Great - glad you've got it now.


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