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Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions [Pending...]

My question

simplify โˆ’3[โˆ’5(m โˆ’ 2n) + 4n] + `sqrt(4n)`

Relevant page

1. Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions

What I've done so far

โˆ’3[โˆ’5(m โˆ’ 2n) + 4n] + `sqrt(4n)`
=-15m-30n-12n +`sqrt(4n)`


simplify −3[−5(m − 2n) + 4n] +  `sqrt(4n)`
Relevant page

<a href="/basic-algebra/1-addition-subtraction-algebra.php">1. Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions</a>

What I've done so far

โˆ’3[โˆ’5(m โˆ’ 2n) + 4n] +  `sqrt(4n)`
=-15m-30n-12n +`sqrt(4n)`

Re: Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions

The question asks us to simplify the algebraic expression which is done by using the algebraic rules of BODMAS(Brackets Open Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction). The first rule which is applied to solve this equation is opening the brackets. Inner brackets are opened before the outer brackets which give the equation -3[-5m+10n +4n] + 4n . Upon further simplifying the brackets we add similar variables so 10n and 4n are added giving the equation -3[-5m+14n]+4n. The brackets are then opened and we get 15m-42n +4n. This equation can be simplified further by solving 4n which would give 2n and the final equation can be written as 15m+2(n -21n). Since m and n are two different variables, the equation cannot be simplified further.


The question asks us to simplify the algebraic expression which is done by using the algebraic rules of BODMAS(Brackets Open Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction). The first rule which is applied to solve this equation is opening the brackets. Inner brackets are opened before the outer brackets which give the equation -3[-5m+10n +4n] + 4n . Upon further simplifying the brackets we add similar variables so 10n and 4n are added giving the equation -3[-5m+14n]+4n. The brackets are then opened and we get 15m-42n +4n. This equation can be simplified further by solving 4n which would give 2n and the final equation can be written as 15m+2(n -21n). Since m and n are two different variables, the equation cannot be simplified further.


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