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Another attempt at math education

By Murray Bourne, 05 Jul 2006

Reasoning Mind was developed by a Russian mathematician because "he had a dismal opinion of American education, from kindergarten through high school." (

His method is Web-based and uses artificial intelligence to move the student through the learning. Some things that caught my eye:

  • "Learning how to think and reason". Great - too much of mathematics is 'Which formula do I plug it in to?'
  • "Failure is not an option". It is a mastery-based system which I think is important. Too many students are moved to the next grade but they are certainly not ready - and this sets up problems later.
  • "Learning is hard work". Hmmmm

Do any of you use it? Is it good?

See the 2 Comments below.

2 Comments on “Another attempt at math education”

  1. michelle says:

    hi i know this is stupid but im trying to enter this contest online and i cant figure out the equation. (im really really bad at math) so anyways the equation is
    (( (10 + 8 ) x 2 ) - 3 ) + 3
    can anybody help me with the answer

  2. Murray says:

    Hi Michelle

    I believe there is no such thing as a stupid question - there is only the stupidity of NOT asking questions πŸ™‚

    You may wish to go to 2. Laws of Algebra in Interactive Mathematics where you will see examples very similar to the question you are asking.

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