Archive for January, 2009

Friday math movie - Limits

LimitsWhat are limits all about? Limits are an important concept in calculus, and many students find the topic difficult.

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Why East Asians do well in math

Students in East Asian countries (Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong) do better in international math tests than their Western counterparts. Why?

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IntMath Newsletter - Learning math formulas; Maria’s Story

In this Newsletter

1. Maria’s Story
2. IntMath Poll results - Why is math hard for you?
3. Math tips - Learning math formulas
4. Chinese New Year
5. From the math blog
6. Final thought - Effort and Outcomes

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Maria’s Story

Maria was a brilliant mathematician in an age when that was a problem.

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What is 0^0 equal to?

Can 0^0 possibly have 2 values? This, like a few other math "facts", turns out to be controversial.

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Obama inauguration - Oh happy day

Some thoughts on a significant day — for the world.

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Partial differentiation - what is it about?

A reader asks what partial derivatives are all about.

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Math is the best job

It’s official. Be a mathematician and enjoy the "best job in America".

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How to help students love math and pass it?

A reader from Lesotho asks how to engage math students.

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Movie: Daniel Tammet - The Boy With The Incredible Brain

Daniel Tammet's numbersHere’s a guy that can do huge calculations in his head. And the good news is, he reckons we can all do it.

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