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Friday math movie - Angle Dance

By Murray Bourne, 11 Jan 2008

Ready for some mathematical 80s glam?

This week's movie is originally from TV's Square One. Not familiar with Square One?

Square One Television is the most widely known mathematics television program. It was produced by the Children's Television Workshop for PBS from 1987 to 1992, spanning 230 half hour daily episodes, one music video special (Square One Video Jukebox), and ten hour-long Mathnet specials. Its goal was to teach and increase interest in mathematics for middle school children through entertainment, most notably parodies of other shows... [Source: No longer available]

What was 1980s music about? Think heavy fog, heavy make-up, heavy bass riffs, studio-based video clips, the birth of MTV, Duran Duran, Billy Idol and Take On Me by a-ha.

So with that background, enjoy Angle Dance:

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