Archive for December, 2012

IntMath Newsletter: Fourier interactive, 2012 summary

In this Newsletter:

1. New interactive: Fourier Series
2. Christmas
3. Most popular articles of 2012
4. Looking ahead - 2013
5. Math puzzles
6. Friday math movie: The Mathematics of History
7. Final thought - treating others

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An engineer’s view of Santa Claus

Santa's Christmas Eve physics
Is Santa's frantic dash around the world each Christmas Eve, even possible?

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Fourier Series interactive graph

Fourier Series graph interactive
Here's an interactive graph that allows you to explore the concepts behind the Fourier Series.

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Friday math movie: The mathematics of history

Math of history
What's the connection between verbs, math and hip hop?

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IntMath Newsletter: Derivative graphs, roller door problem, online math in remote India

In this Newsletter:

1. Derivative graphs interactive
2. Roller door problem
3. Online math education for Ajab, Gujurat
4. Math puzzles
5. Friday math movies
6. Final thought - candles

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