Archive for July, 2008

Friday Math Movie - Human Computation

Luis von AhnHumans spend a lot of their time doing unproductive things. This movie talks about ways of getting humans to play games that help make image search and OCR smarter.

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The IntMath Newsletter - 20th July 2008

In this Newsletter:

1. Current math events
2. Math tips - (a) Math Dictionary; (b) Numerical methods
3. Poll results - summer math
4. From the math blog
5. Your brain and math

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Friday Math Movie - I Will Derive

deriveThis week's movie is a fun summary of when and how to apply differentiation.

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EduSim - free 3D multi-user virtual world

EduSim is a 3-D virtual world that comes as a free download. It's worth checking it out.

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Google search, math and latent semantic analysis

There is sophisticated math going on behind the scenes when you perform a search on Google. It involves a technique called latent semantic analysis which is based on matrix operations.

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Friday Math Movie - The Amazing Origami of Robert Lang

origamiAn origami specialist talks about how math helps him to create beautiful art.

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Math in computer game development

Behind every computer game lie many applications of mathematics.

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mathtvHere are some free math videos from

Watch them while they are free!

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The IntMath Newsletter - 2 Jul 2008

In this Newsletter:

1. IntMath future development - survey results
2. Math tip - Solving math word problems
3. From the math blog
4. Some brain math

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Math problem solving and brain activity

How should we solve a math word problem? What goes on in the brain when we are solving such math problems?

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