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Upload own pictures into face mask [Solved!]

My question

I am interested in the interactive activity where pictures are uploaded and the mask is used to fit the face, using sliders.

I wonder if I can get this interactive sliders so that I can use for my school project.I do not know how to create the interactive sliders. Hope to get a prompt reply from you. Thanks a lot.

Relevant page

7a. Math of Beauty

What I've done so far

Playing with the interactive - it's cool


I am interested in the interactive activity where pictures are uploaded and the mask is used to fit the face, using sliders. 

I wonder if I can get this interactive sliders so that I can use for my school project.I do not know how to create the interactive sliders. Hope to get a prompt reply from you. Thanks a lot.
Relevant page

<a href="/numbers/math-of-beauty.php">7a. Math of Beauty</a>

What I've done so far

Playing with the interactive - it's cool

Re: Upload own pictures into face mask

Hello Chye Fook

I'm glad you like the face activity.

I've rewritten that activity so that users can now upload their own photos. Is that what you hoped to do?



Hello Chye Fook

I'm glad you like the face activity.

I've rewritten that activity so that users can now upload their own photos. Is that what you hoped to do?


Re: Upload own pictures into face mask

Yes, that's perfect now.

Thank you very much


Yes, that's perfect now.

Thank you very much


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