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Add more faces in Beauty of Math [Solved!]

My question


I found your site most interesting. I am writing to ask if it is possible to add a few more faces onto the 7a. Math of Beauty section.

The reason I ask is that I teach in a school where we have children from many ethnic backgrounds: African, Hispanic, Asian, Western Europe... Thank you for your work in this area. It is very well done.

Also, there are sites where one can use their browser and then add a picture of themselves into the website. I thought this could be a nice addition to your work.

Relevant page

7a. Math of Beauty



I found your site most interesting.  I am writing to ask if it is possible to add a few more faces onto the <a href="/numbers/math-of-beauty.php">7a. Math of Beauty</a> section.  

The reason I ask is that I teach in a school where we have children from many ethnic backgrounds:  African, Hispanic, Asian, Western Europe...  Thank you for your work in this area.  It is very well done.  

Also, there are sites where one can use their browser and then add a picture of themselves into the website.  I thought this could be a nice addition to your work.
Relevant page

<a href="/numbers/math-of-beauty.php">7a. Math of Beauty</a>

Re: Add more faces in Beauty of Math

Hi Denise

Thank you for your comments and your excellent suggestion.

I have added more ethnically diverse faces, and also implemented a system for including your own images.

All the best to you and your teaching!



Hi Denise

Thank you for your comments and your excellent suggestion.

I have added more ethnically diverse faces, and also implemented a system for including your own images.

All the best to you and your teaching!



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