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Independent vs non-mutually exclusive [Solved!]

My question

Section 9, example 2, it is stated that the events are not mutually exclusive.

Why are they not looked upon as independent events and therefore
have a solution of EVENT 1 X EVENT 2?

I looked at the events as independent because one can occur without the interference of the other.


Relevant page

9. Mutually Exclusive Events

What I've done so far

I multiplied EVENT 1 X EVENT 2.


Section 9, example 2, it is stated that the events are not mutually exclusive.

Why are they not looked upon as independent events and therefore
have a solution of EVENT 1 X EVENT 2?

I looked at the events as independent because one can occur without the interference of the other.

Relevant page

<a href="/counting-probability/9-mutually-exclusive-events.php">9. Mutually Exclusive Events</a>

What I've done so far

I multiplied EVENT 1 X EVENT 2.

Re: Independent vs non-mutually exclusive

Hi Phinah

As it says in the solution for that question, it's not mutually exclusive because it is possible to pass both math and English at the same time.

Just like the possibility mentioned in Example 1 of the Dependent and Independent Events page, one could very well affect the other, so we can't really conclude they are dependent or independent.


Hi Phinah

As it says in the solution for that question, it's not mutually exclusive because it is possible to pass both math and English at the same time.

Just like the possibility mentioned in Example 1 of the Dependent and Independent Events page, one could very well affect the other, so we can't really conclude they are dependent or independent.


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