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Factoring trig equations [Solved!]

My question

In solving "`4\ sin^3x + 2\ sin^2 x - 2 sin x - 1 = 0`", can I factor as below?

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Analytic Trigonometry

What I've done so far

`sin x(4\ sin^2x + 2 sin x - 2) - 1 = 0.`

I want to know if this is a correct way to factor the equation above.


In solving "`4\ sin^3x + 2\ sin^2 x - 2 sin x - 1 = 0`", can I factor as below?
Relevant page

<a href="">Analytic Trigonometry</a>

What I've done so far

`sin x(4\ sin^2x + 2 sin x - 2) - 1 = 0.`

I want to know if this is a correct way to factor the equation above.

Re: Factoring trig equations

@Phinah: While that is a correct factoring, it doesn't help you to solve it, whih I presume is what you need to do.

HINT: See the methods in this chapter: Polynomial Equations

It would be good to simplify things a bit and let, say `t = sin x`, and so the polynomial becomes:

`4 t^3 + 2 t^2 - 2t - 1`

As first guesses, `t=1` and `t=-1` don't work to make it have value `0.` Can you suggest another value?


@Phinah: While that is a correct factoring, it doesn't help you to solve it, whih I presume is what you need to do.

HINT: See the methods in this chapter: <a href="">Polynomial Equations</a>

It would be good to simplify things a bit and let, say `t = sin x`, and so the polynomial becomes:

`4 t^3 + 2 t^2 - 2t - 1` 

As first guesses, `t=1` and `t=-1` don't work to make it have value `0.` Can you suggest another value?

Re: Factoring trig equations

Looking at it with `t = sin x` then it seems better to factor by grouping.

`t= +- (sqrt 2)/2`
qq t = -1/2 qq



Looking at it with `t = sin x` then it seems better to factor by grouping.

`t= +- (sqrt 2)/2`
qq t = -1/2 qq


Re: Factoring trig equations

Looks good to me!


Looks good to me!


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