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Permutation and combination [Solved!]

My question

i face difficulty to understand permutation and combinations can you give easy method to understand

Relevant page

3. Permutations

What I've done so far

Read the pages many times.


i face difficulty to understand permutation and combinations can you give easy method to understand
Relevant page

<a href="/counting-probability/3-permutations.php">3. Permutations</a>

What I've done so far

Read the pages many times.

Re: Permutation and combination

Hi Shaikshavali

I guess you have already seen these pages:

3. Permutations

4. Combinations

The main difference is that when we are considering permutations, the order is important. So we regard a,b,c,d as different to a,d,c,b.

For combinations, the order is not important. So a,b,c,d is considered the same as a,d,c,b.


Hi Shaikshavali

I guess you have already seen these pages:

<a href="/counting-probability/3-permutations.php">3. Permutations</a>

<a href="/counting-probability/4-combinations.php">4. Combinations</a>

The main difference is that when we are considering permutations, the order is important. So we regard a,b,c,d as different to a,d,c,b.

For combinations, the order is not important. So a,b,c,d is considered the same as a,d,c,b.

Re: Permutation and combination

I missed that difference! I've got it now. Thanks.


I missed that difference! I've got it now. Thanks.


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