Archive for August, 2006

Designing Web Usability

The Practice of Simplicity by Jakob Nielsen. I have read a lot of Nielsen's "Alert Box" usability articles and I like most of what I read there. I was interested to read further.

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Schools do not work

An interesting article from Arizona State University, Liberating American education, dismantling compulsory schooling (link no longer available), is something I have often thought about, having been involved in secondary, tertiary and adult education. There is something about those classes where students have chosen to be there. The students are alert, they are on time, they […]

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Journey through a learning brain

A Flash-based look at how the brain functions - and the implications for learning.

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Great statistics - gapminder

Statistics does not need to be boring. has brilliant visual representations of data.

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Weapons of math instruction

I enjoyed this math "news" item entitled "Weapons of math instruction"

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Is 0 a Natural Number?

A user of my math site Interactive Mathematics asked whether 0 is a Natural Number or not.

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Why the surge of interest in math?

Why was there a surge of interest in posts containing "math" on May 25/26 and during the first 10 days of June?

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London cabbies have larger brain parts

An article in CNN, London cabbies: Brain cell mightier than microchip [no longer available], talks about how London cabbies are not very interested in using satellite navigation systems. The cabbies need to pass the most difficult cabbie license test in the world, called "The Knowledge", where they need to demonstrate that they know hundreds of […]

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Netscape style rendering error

Oops - seems like Netscape v7.2's and v8's style rendering is a bit off - and the error shows up on their portal. On the right of their homepage, the divs containing orange <h2> headings are floating left (even though the class is "clearfix") and there is a blue <h3> tag "News" that messes up: […]

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Japanese-based math textbooks the answer?

Japanese textbooks "don't immediately tell you how to solve [math problems]. If you immediately tell children how to solve things it can short-circuit thinking".

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